Thursday, February 23, 2012


For me Spring has always been about hope. The light begins to come back to the world..the darkness lessens...all life slowly comes back.  At first peeking up out of the ground to find it's way and then fully sprouting up in all glory. The cold hard days of winter start to fade from memory as we shed our clothes like dead skin. Maybe that is why I love gardening so much..when you are close to the earth you begin to understand life's rhythm a little better. Bette Midler has a song on one of her cd's "The Rose" take a listen it will bring you hope... Lisa

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Love (luv)

n. A deep devotion or affection for another person or or persons.
a strong passion; a very great interest or enjoyment in; to take pleasure
or delight in someone/something.

To love and be loved is one of the most desired feelings/emotions we, as humans, seek out.
Countless plays, songs, movies and books have been written on the subject of finding and losing love.
Romantic love, the love a parent feels for a child, feeling for family and close friends they are all deep
emotions that transcend time and space. Valentine's Day is just one day during the year, but how lovely
would it be if we could show our love to those we cherish, each and every day...even if it is in the little things we say and do. Something I aspire to.
Happy Valentine's Day!!! Reach out and love someone!!!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

A little Love crazy...

looking for love....

sending messages of love...

finding the key to my heart...

dressing up for love...

reading about love...

finding love in everything...

time to ponder...

and to celebrate!
I  cannot stop thinking about little love infused vignettes

Thursday, February 2, 2012


Trying to navigate the world og blogging is not easy. What should me simple..for just sooo complicated. :(